par ‧ a ‧ mount /ˈpærəmaʊnt/ BrE AmE adjective formal
[ Date: 1500-1600 ; Language: Anglo-French ; Origin: paramont , from Old French par 'by' + amont 'above' ]
more important than anything else:
During a war the interests of the state are paramount, and those of the individual come last.
Women’s role as mothers is of paramount importance to society.
—paramountcy noun [uncountable]
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■ most important
▪ main/chief/principal [only before noun] most important:
What was your main aim?
the principal reason for their decision
the chief cause of the recession
▪ major [usually before noun] one of the most important or serious things:
Smoking is a major cause of heart disease.
Street crime is a major problem.
▪ central/primary [usually before noun] most important – used especially when talking about the main thing that people are discussing, worried about, or trying to do:
Education will be the central issue in the election.
Our primary concern is passenger safety.
▪ paramount /ˈpærəmaʊnt/ formal more important than anything else, so that you must consider it when deciding what to do:
Airport security is of paramount importance.
The needs of the students are paramount.