I. par ‧ don 1 S2 /ˈpɑːdn $ ˈpɑːrdn/ BrE AmE ( also ˌpardon ˈme ) interjection
1 . used when you want someone to repeat something because you did not hear it:
‘Hurry up Jonathan!’ ‘Pardon?’ ‘I said hurry up!’
2 . British English used to say ‘sorry’ after you have made an impolite sound such as a ↑ burp SYN excuse me
II. pardon 2 BrE AmE verb [transitive]
[ Date: 1200-1300 ; Language: Old French ; Origin: pardoner , from Late Latin perdonare 'to give freely' ]
1 . to officially allow someone who has been found guilty of a crime to go free without being punished:
The two spies were pardoned yesterday by the President.
2 . [not in progressive] formal to forgive someone for behaving badly SYN forgive
pardon somebody for something
He could never pardon her for the things she had said.
3 . somebody may be pardoned for doing something used to say that it is easy to understand why someone has done something or why they think something:
Anyone reading the advertisement might be pardoned for thinking that the offer was genuine.
4 . pardon me spoken
a) used to say ‘sorry’ politely when you have accidentally pushed someone or interrupted them:
Oh, pardon me, I didn’t mean to disturb you.
b) used to say ‘sorry’ politely after you have made an impolite sound such as a ↑ burp
c) used before you politely correct someone or disagree with them:
James, if you’ll pardon me, you’ve got it all wrong.
d) used to politely get someone’s attention in order to ask them a question SYN excuse me :
Pardon me, can you direct me to City Hall?
5 . pardon me for interrupting/asking/saying spoken used to politely ask if you can interrupt someone, ask them a question, or tell them something:
Pardon me for saying so, but you don’t look well.
6 . pardon my ignorance/rudeness etc spoken used when you want to say something which you think may make you seem not to know enough or not to be polite enough:
Pardon my ignorance, but what does OPEC stand for?
7 . if you’ll pardon the expression spoken used when you are saying that you are sorry for using an impolite phrase:
It was a bit of a cock-up, if you’ll pardon the expression.
8 . pardon my French spoken used humorously to say that you are sorry for using a swear word
9 . pardon me for breathing/living spoken used when you are annoyed because you think someone has answered you angrily for no good reason:
‘Shut up, Callum!’ ‘Well, pardon me for breathing.’
III. pardon 3 BrE AmE noun [countable]
1 . an official order allowing someone who has been found guilty of a crime to go free without being punished
grant/give somebody a pardon
Tyler was convicted but was granted a royal pardon (=one given by a king or queen) .
2 . ask/beg sb’s pardon (for something) old-fashioned to ask someone to forgive you:
Walter begged her pardon for all the pain he had caused her.
⇨ I beg your pardon at ↑ beg (4)