prac ‧ ti ‧ cally /ˈpræktɪkli/ BrE AmE adverb
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ practical , practicalities, ↑ practicality ≠ ↑ impracticality , ↑ practicability ≠ ↑ impracticability ; adverb : ↑ practically ≠ ↑ impractically , ↑ practicably ≠ ↑ impracticably ; adjective : ↑ practicable ≠ ↑ impracticable , ↑ practical ≠ ↑ impractical ]
1 . especially spoken almost:
I’ve read practically all of his books.
She sees him practically every day.
It’s practically impossible to predict what will happen.
The two designs were practically identical.
2 . in a sensible way which takes account of problems:
‘But how can we pay for it?’ said John practically.
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▪ almost not completely or not quite:
I’ve almost finished my essay.
It's almost lunchtime.
▪ nearly almost. Nearly is more commonly used in British English than American English:
I’ve been a teacher for nearly 10 years now.
It’s very nearly time to go home.
▪ not quite almost, but not yet:
‘Is he 60?’ ‘Not quite!’
It’s not quite time to go yet.
I’m not quite ready yet.
▪ practically/virtually very nearly:
The room was practically empty.
| practically all/everything/everyone etc :
The frost killed practically every plant in the garden.
Virtually everyone had gone home.
▪ more or less/just about/pretty much especially spoken very nearly – use this when saying that the difference is not important:
All the rooms are more or less the same size.
His jacket was pretty much the same colour as his trousers.
The policy will benefit just about everyone.
▪ getting on for British English informal , getting on toward especially American English informal almost a particular time, age, or period of time – used especially when you are not sure of the exact time, age etc:
It’s getting on for 10 years since we last saw each other.
‘How old’s Diane?’ ‘She must be getting on toward 50.’
▪ close to almost a particular number, amount, or time – used especially when the number or amount is surprisingly large or the time is very late:
It was close to midnight by the time we arrived.
They’ve spent close to $1.3 billion on the project.
▪ approaching/nearing almost – used when a number or amount is still increasing or a time is getting nearer:
The unemployment rate was nearing 20%.
▪ be on the verge of (doing) something to be very close to doing something:
She was on the verge of tears (=almost crying) .
I was on the verge of giving up.
They were on the verge of making a decision.
▪ be on the brink of something to be very close to an extremely bad situation:
The two countries are on the brink of war.
The company was on the brink of bankruptcy.