Meaning of PRESCRIPTION in English

pre ‧ scrip ‧ tion /prɪˈskrɪpʃ ə n/ BrE AmE noun [countable]

1 . a piece of paper on which a doctor writes what medicine a sick person should have, so that they can get it from a ↑ pharmacist ⇨ prescribe

prescription for

a prescription for sleeping pills

We are trying to cut the price of prescription drugs.

a repeat prescription (=one that you have regularly)

fill a prescription American English (=get the drugs a doctor has written that you need)

I got the prescription filled on the way home.

2 . a particular medicine or treatment ordered by a doctor for a sick person:

If you’re pregnant, you can get free prescriptions.

3 . on prescription British English , by prescription American English a drug that you get on prescription can only be obtained with a written order from the doctor ⇨ over the counter

4 . an idea or suggestion about how you should behave, or how to make a situation, activity etc successful

prescription for

The party’s main prescription for educational problems was to give schools more money.

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■ verbs

▪ give somebody a prescription

Dr. Kleinert gave me a prescription for some sleeping tablets.

▪ write a prescription ( also write out a prescription )

I'll write you a prescription for some skin cream.

▪ make up a prescription ( also fill a prescription American English ) (=give a patient the drugs that a doctor says they need)

You can get the prescription made up at a chemist's.

■ NOUN + prescription

▪ a doctor's prescription

Most of these drugs require a doctor's prescription.

▪ a repeat prescription (=one that you have regularly)

I went to the surgery to pick up a repeat prescription.

■ prescription + NOUN

▪ a prescription drug/medicine

Not everyone can afford the cost of prescription drugs.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.