Meaning of PROLETARIAT in English

pro ‧ le ‧ tar ‧ i ‧ at /ˌprəʊləˈteəriət, ˌprəʊlɪˈteəriət $ ˌproʊləˈter-/ BrE AmE noun

[ Date: 1800-1900 ; Language: French ; Origin: prolétariat , from Latin proletarius ; ↑ proletarian ]

the proletariat [+ singular or plural verb] the class of workers who own no property and work for wages, especially in factories, building things etc – used in ↑ socialist writings

—proletarian adjective

—proletarian noun [countable]

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.