Meaning of PSYCHOSOMATIC in English

psy ‧ cho ‧ so ‧ mat ‧ ic /ˌsaɪkəʊsəˈmætɪk◂ $ -kəsə-/ BrE AmE adjective medical

[ Date: 1800-1900 ; Language: Greek ; Origin: psych- ( ⇨ ↑ psych- ) + somatikos (from soma 'body' ) ]

1 . a psychosomatic illness is caused by fear or anxiety rather than by a physical problem

psychosomatic illness/symptoms/disorder etc

Children are just as susceptible to psychosomatic conditions as adults.

2 . relating to the relationship between the mind and physical illness

—psychosomatically /-kli/ adverb

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.