Meaning of QUACK in English

I. quack 1 /kwæk/ BrE AmE verb [intransitive]

[ Date: 1600-1700 ; Origin: From the sound ]

to make the sound that ducks make

II. quack 2 BrE AmE noun [countable]

[ Sense 1: Date: 1800-1900 ; Origin: ⇨ ↑ quack 1 ]

[ Sense 2-3: Date: 1600-1700 ; Origin: quacksalver 'quack' (16-19 centuries) , from early Dutch , probably from quacken 'to quack, talk' + salf 'cure' ]

1 . the sound a duck makes

2 . someone who pretends to be a doctor – used in order to show disapproval ⇨ quackery :

quacks selling weight-loss drugs

3 . British English informal a doctor:

You’d better go and see the quack with that burn.

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▪ doctor someone who treats people who are ill, who has completed a long course of study at medical school:

If you have bad chest pains, you should see a doctor.

▪ GP British English a doctor who is trained in general medicine and who treats the people who live in a local area:

My GP told me that I must lose weight.

▪ physician /fəˈzɪʃ ə n, fɪˈzɪʃ ə n/ formal especially American English a doctor:

the American physician, Dr James Tyler Kent

▪ quack informal someone who pretends to be a doctor:

My father felt that people practicing alternative medicine were just a bunch of quacks.

▪ the medical profession doctors and nurses considered as a group:

This view is widely accepted among the medical profession.

▪ surgeon /ˈsɜːdʒ ə n $ ˈsɜːr-/ a doctor who does operations in a hospital:

One of the world’s top heart surgeons performed the operation.

▪ specialist a doctor with special knowledge about a particular illness, part of the body, or type of treatment:

The new drug is being tested by cancer specialists.


an eye specialist

▪ consultant British English a very senior doctor in a hospital, with a lot of knowledge about a particular area of medicine:

The consultant said that he did not think it was cancer.

▪ paramedic someone who has been trained to treat sick or injured people, especially at the scene of an accident:

Paramedics treated him for shock.

▪ vet ( also veterinarian especially American English ) a doctor who treats animals:

We took the cat to the vet.

▪ paediatrician British English , pediatrician American English a doctor who treats children who are sick

▪ gynaecologist British English , gynecologist American English a doctor who treats medical conditions and illnesses that affect women’s bodies

▪ obstetrician a doctor who deals with the birth of children

▪ radiographer someone whose job is to take ↑ X-ray s or to treat people using an X-ray machine

III. quack 3 BrE AmE adjective [only before noun]

relating to the activities or medicines of someone who pretends to be a doctor ⇨ quackery :

a quack remedy

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.