Meaning of RAPHAEL in English

I. Raphael, Sal ‧ ly Jes ‧ sy /ˈsæli ˈdʒesi/ BrE AmE

(1943–) a US television presenter who had her own show from 1985–2002, in which people told their personal secrets and talked about their problems

II. Raph ‧ a ‧ el 1 /ˈræfeɪəl/ BrE AmE

in the Christian religion, an ↑ archangel (=a spirit of the highest rank who lives with God in Heaven) ⇨ ↑ Gabriel , ↑ Michael

III. Raphael 2 BrE AmE

(1483–1520) an Italian painter and ↑ architect (=someone who designs buildings) , one of the most important artists of the Renaissance, who painted mostly religious subjects. His full name in Italian is Raffaello Sanzio. ⇨ ↑ Pre-Raphaelite

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.