re ‧ pro ‧ duce /ˌriːprəˈdjuːs $ -ˈduːs/ BrE AmE verb
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ produce , ↑ producer , ↑ product , ↑ production , ↑ reproduction , ↑ productivity ; adjective : ↑ productive ≠ ↑ unproductive , ↑ counterproductive , ↑ reproductive , ↑ reproducible ; verb : ↑ produce , ↑ reproduce ; adverb : ↑ productively ]
1 . [intransitive and transitive] if an animal or plant reproduces, or reproduces itself, it produces young plants or animals:
The turtles return to the coast to reproduce.
2 . [transitive] to make a photograph or printed copy of something:
Klimt’s artwork is reproduced in this exquisite book.
3 . [transitive] to make something happen in the same way as it happened before SYN repeat ⇨ copy :
British scientists have so far been unable to reproduce these results.
4 . [transitive] to make something that is just like something else ⇨ copy :
With a good set of speakers, you can reproduce the orchestra’s sound in your own home.
—reproducible adjective
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▪ copy to deliberately make or produce something that is exactly like another thing:
You could copy the files onto a CD.
Many people have tried to copy his paintings.
▪ photocopy to copy a piece of paper with writing or pictures on it, using a machine:
I’ll photocopy the letter and give it to you.
▪ reproduce to print a copy of a picture or document, especially in a book or newspaper:
The image has been reproduced in many magazines and newspapers around the world.
▪ forge to illegally copy something written or printed:
He forged my signature.
forged £10 notes
▪ pirate to illegally copy and sell something such as a book, video, DVD, or computer program:
The survey suggests that 27% of software in the UK has been pirated.