rich ‧ ly /ˈrɪtʃli/ BrE AmE adverb
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ riches , ↑ richness , ↑ enrichment , the rich; adjective : ↑ rich , ↑ enriched ; verb : ↑ enrich ; adverb : ↑ richly ]
1 . if something is richly decorated, it is decorated a lot, in a way that is beautiful:
a richly carved ceiling
a cloak richly embroidered with gold thread
2 . if someone is richly dressed, they are dressed in expensive clothes
3 . richly coloured having beautiful strong colours:
the richly coloured mosaic
4 . richly flavoured/scented having a strong pleasant taste or smell:
richly scented flowers
5 . richly deserve to completely deserve something such as success or punishment:
They got the punishment they so richly deserved.
6 . containing large amounts of something:
a richly wooded valley
an area that is richly endowed with wildlife
7 . richly rewarding giving you a strong feeling of pleasure:
It was a richly rewarding relationship.