Meaning of RIGHTFUL in English

right ‧ ful /ˈraɪtf ə l/ BrE AmE adjective [only before noun]

[ Word Family: adverb : ↑ right , ↑ rightly , ↑ rightfully , righeously, righteousness; noun : ↑ right , ↑ rightness , rights, ↑ righteousness ; adjective : ↑ right , ↑ righteous , ↑ rightful ; verb : ↑ right ]

formal according to what is correct or what should be done legally or morally:

George sat at the head of the table, in his rightful place as their leader.

I’ll return the money to its rightful owner.

the rightful heir to the throne

—rightfully adverb :

I’m only claiming what is rightfully mine.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.