roll up phrasal verb ( see also ↑ roll )
1 . to make something into the shape of a tube or ball, or to become this shape
roll something ↔ up
Painters arrived and rolled up the carpet.
roll up into
Many animals roll up into a ball for warmth.
2 . roll your sleeves/trousers etc up to turn the ends of your sleeves or trouser legs over several times so that they are shorter
3 . roll your sleeves up to start doing a job even though it is difficult or you do not want to do it:
It’s time to roll up our sleeves and get some work done on the basics.
4 . roll a window up to close the window of a car
5 . to arrive somewhere, especially late or when you were not expected:
Max rolled up just after 9 o'clock.
6 . roll up! British English spoken used to call people to come and watch or buy things at a ↑ circus or ↑ fair