sealed /siːld/ BrE AmE adjective
1 . shut or protected with something that prevents air, water etc from getting in or out:
a sealed container
2 . sealed documents are closed so that they can only be read by a certain person or at a certain time:
Sealed bids (=offers to pay a particular price for something) should be sent to Richard Walker.
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■ adverbs
▪ firmly/tightly sealed
The box was firmly sealed with tape.
▪ completely sealed
The bag is completely sealed and airtight.
▪ hermetically sealed (=very tightly sealed so that nothing can get in or out)
Inside, police found hermetically sealed cabinets full of marijuana.
■ nouns
▪ a sealed envelope
Jenkins handed Talbot a sealed envelope.
▪ a sealed container/box/plastic bag
The specimens he collected were sent back to London in sealed containers.