Meaning of SORTIE in English

I. sor ‧ tie 1 /ˈsɔːti $ ˈsɔːrti/ BrE AmE noun [countable]

[ Date: 1600-1700 ; Language: French ; Origin: sortir 'to go out' ]

1 . a short flight made by a plane over enemy land, in order to bomb a city, military defences etc:

The US and its allies carried out 44,000 sorties during this period.

2 . a short trip, especially to an unfamiliar place:

We made a sortie from our hotel to the open-air market.

3 . British English an attempt to do or take part in something new

sortie into

Australia’s first sortie into the wine trade

4 . British English an attack in which an army leaves its position for a short time to attack the enemy

II. sortie 2 BrE AmE verb [intransitive]

to make a short attack on an enemy position or a flight over enemy land:

It was five months since the battleship had last sortied from home waters.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.