Meaning of STURDY in English

stur ‧ dy /ˈstɜːdi $ ˈstɜːr-/ BrE AmE adjective ( comparative sturdier , superlative sturdiest )

[ Date: 1200-1300 ; Language: Old French ; Origin: estourdi 'stupidly brave, stunned' , from estourdir 'to stun' , from Vulgar Latin exturdire 'to behave like a thrush that has got drunk from eating grapes' , from Latin turdus 'thrush' ]

1 . an object that is sturdy is strong, well-made, and not easily broken ⇨ solid :

That chair doesn’t look very sturdy.

sturdy comfortable shoes

2 . someone who is sturdy is strong, short, and healthy looking ⇨ stocky :

a sturdy young man

sturdy legs

3 . determined and not easily persuaded to change your opinions:

They kept up a sturdy opposition to the plan.

—sturdily adverb

—sturdiness noun [uncountable]

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■ not easily broken or damaged

▪ strong not easily broken or damaged:

The bags are made of strong black plastic.


We need a strong rope for this job.

▪ tough strong – used especially about something that can be used a lot without damaging it or making it weaker:

a pair of tough leather boots


Kitchen floors need to be tough enough to withstand heavy use.

▪ heavy-duty [only before noun] extremely strong – used about materials, tools, machines etc that are made especially to be used a lot without being easily damaged:

heavy-duty rubber gloves


a heavy-duty carpet for the hallway

▪ sturdy strong and often thick, and not likely to fall over or get broken:

a fence made with sturdy wooden posts


The furniture is simple but sturdy.

▪ unbreakable extremely strong and impossible to break:

Babies need to have unbreakable dishes and cups.

▪ indestructible impossible to break, damage, or destroy, and lasting forever:

Gold is virtually indestructible.


The pyramids were built as indestructible tombs for the Pharaohs.

▪ hard-wearing British English , long-wearing American English used about materials and products that will remain in good condition for a long time even when they are used a lot:

Ceramic tiles are easy to keep clean and hard-wearing.


a hard-wearing fabric

▪ durable especially written used about materials and products that will remain in good condition for a long time – often used on product labels:

The jacket has a durable nylon lining.


Varnish is more durable than paint.

▪ robust especially written strongly made – used especially about the structure of something, for example a vehicle or machine:

a mountain bike with a robust frame


The hardware for the computer must be robust and inexpensive.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.