Meaning of TIMELINE in English

time ‧ line /ˈtaɪmlaɪn/ BrE AmE noun [countable]

1 . a plan for when things will happen or how long you think something will take:

The timeline for the project is optimistic.

2 . a line showing the order in which events happened

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▪ schedule a detailed plan of what someone is going to do and when they will do it, especially someone important:

He has a very busy schedule.


The President’s schedule includes a two-day visit to St Petersburg.

▪ timetable British English , schedule American English a written list that shows the exact times when something will happen, for example when planes or buses leave, or when classes at school take place:

The timetable said there was another train at 6.15.


According to the class schedule, English 104 is at 10 am in Royce Hall.

▪ programme British English , program American English a plan that shows the order of activities at a ceremony, sports meeting, public event etc:

Who is organizing the conference programme?


the next event on the program

▪ agenda a list of the subjects that will be discussed at a meeting:

Attached is the agenda for the budget committee meeting.


the final item on the agenda

▪ timeline a plan for when things will happen or how long you think something will take – used especially in business English:

The timeline for the project is less than six months from start to finish.


What is the usual timeline from the sale of a house to the day you can move in?

▪ itinerary a plan or list of the places you will visit on a journey, usually with the date or time that you will be there:

The Travel Pack includes a detailed itinerary, maps, and a travel guide.


Let me know your itinerary when you know it.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.