Meaning of TODDLER in English

tod ‧ dler /ˈtɒdlə $ ˈtɑːdlər/ BrE AmE noun [countable]

a very young child who is just learning to walk

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▪ baby a very young child who has not yet learned to speak or walk:

I sat next to a woman holding a baby.

▪ toddler a baby who has learned how to walk:

The playground has a special area for toddlers.

▪ infant formal a baby or a very young child:

The disease is mainly found in infants.

▪ little one spoken informal a baby, or a small child up to the age of about three:

How old is your little one?

▪ young the babies of an animal or bird:

Kangaroos carry their young in a pouch.

▪ litter a group of baby animals that are born at the same time to the same mother:

Our cat has just had a litter of six kittens.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.