Meaning of TRUSTING in English

trust ‧ ing /ˈtrʌstɪŋ/ BrE AmE adjective

[ Word Family: adjective : ↑ trusting , ↑ trustworthy ≠ ↑ untrustworthy , ↑ trusty , ↑ distrustful , ↑ mistrustful ; noun : ↑ trust ≠ ↑ distrust ≠ ↑ mistrust , ↑ trustee , ↑ trusteeship , ↑ trustworthiness ; verb : ↑ trust ≠ ↑ distrust ≠ ↑ mistrust ]

1 . willing to believe that other people are good and honest:

a shy and trusting child

trusting of

She’s so trusting of people.

2 . involving trust:

a loving and trusting relationship

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.