un ‧ de ‧ vel ‧ oped /ˌʌndɪˈveləpt◂/ BrE AmE adjective
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ developer , ↑ development , ↑ redevelopment ; verb : ↑ develop , ↑ redevelop ; adjective : ↑ developed ≠ ↑ undeveloped , ↑ developing ]
1 . used in order to describe land which has not yet been used for building, farming etc:
an undeveloped stretch of coastline
2 . used in order to describe a country or area that does not have modern industry, and usually has a low standard of living ⇨ underdeveloped :
the undeveloped regions of the world
3 . not fully grown:
a child’s undeveloped mind