Meaning of UNNECESSARY in English

un ‧ ne ‧ ces ‧ sa ‧ ry /ʌnˈnesəs ə ri $ -seri/ BrE AmE adjective

[ Word Family: noun : ↑ necessity , the necessaries, the necessary; verb : ↑ necessitate ; adverb : ↑ necessarily ≠ ↑ unnecessarily ; adjective : ↑ necessary ≠ ↑ unnecessary ]

not needed, or more than is needed

unnecessary expense/cost/extravagance etc

an unnecessary expense

There’s no point in taking unnecessary risks.

We can’t afford any unnecessary delays.

Williams was found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering to animals

—unnecessarily /ʌnˈnesəs ə rəli $ ˌʌn-nesəˈserəli/ adverb :

I don’t want to worry you unnecessarily.

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■ adverbs

▪ totally/completely/entirely unnecessary

The suffering of these animals is totally unnecessary.

▪ quite unnecessary British English

‘I’ll give you a lift.’ ‘Thank you, but that’s quite unnecessary.’

■ nouns

▪ unnecessary suffering

She admitted causing the dog unnecessary suffering.

▪ an unnecessary risk

Neither team is likely to take any unnecessary risks, so the result will probably be a draw.

▪ an unnecessary expense/cost

He thinks advertising is an unnecessary expense.

▪ an unnecessary extravagance (=something that costs more than is necessary or more than you can afford)

The chairman called first-class airline travel an unnecessary extravagance.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.