Meaning of UNTOUCHED in English

un ‧ touched /ˌʌnˈtʌtʃt◂/ BrE AmE adjective

[ Word Family: adjective : ↑ touched , ↑ untouched , ↑ touching , ↑ touchy , ↑ untouchable ; noun : ↑ touch , ↑ untouchable ; verb : ↑ touch ; adverb : ↑ touchingly ]

1 . not changed, damaged, or affected in any way

untouched by

an island that has been untouched by time

2 . not touched, moved, or eaten:

Several papers lay untouched on the desk.

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▪ natural existing in nature and not caused, made, or controlled by people:

a natural lake


natural light


the earth's natural resources


We only use natural ingredients in our products.


his natural hair colour

▪ wild used about flowers, plants, and animals that are not controlled by people. Also used about areas of land where there are no humans:

We found some wild strawberries.


wild horses


wild open spaces

▪ pure used about food, drink, or materials that have not had anything added to them:

pure orange juice


pure new wool

▪ organic used about fruit, vegetables, meat etc produced without using chemicals:

organic carrots


organic milk


organic beauty products

▪ unspoiled ( also unspoilt British English ) a place that is unspoiled is still beautiful because no one has built roads or buildings on it:

It was a pleasant unspoilt village.


The countryside is remarkably unspoiled.

▪ untouched [not before noun] a place that is untouched has not been affected by human activity:

There are few forested areas of the world that remain untouched by humans.

▪ virgin [only before noun] virgin forest or land is still in its natural state and has not been spoiled or changed in any way by humans:

Large areas of virgin rainforest will be protected from destruction.


He bought 14,000 acres of virgin land in Ontario.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.