ur ‧ gent S3 /ˈɜːdʒ ə nt $ ˈɜːr-/ BrE AmE adjective
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ urgency ; adverb : ↑ urgently ; adjective : ↑ urgent ]
[ Date: 1400-1500 ; Language: Old French ; Origin: Latin , present participle of urgere ; ⇨ ↑ urge 1 ]
1 . very important and needing to be dealt with immediately:
He was in urgent need of medical attention.
The report called for urgent action to reduce lead in petrol.
an urgent message
2 . formal done or said in a way that shows that you want something to be dealt with immediately:
an urgent whisper
—urgency noun [uncountable] :
a matter of great urgency
—urgently adverb
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■ nouns
▪ an urgent need
There is an urgent need for stricter regulation.
▪ urgent action
Urgent action is needed to boost employment.
▪ urgent attention
She believes the nation’s drug problem requires urgent attention.
▪ an urgent message
I have an urgent message for Sam – where is he?
▪ an urgent meeting
Health chiefs have called an urgent meeting to discuss the problem.
▪ urgent talks
The union is seeking urgent talks with management on this matter.
▪ urgent business
Nenna told them that she had urgent business on the other side of London.
▪ an urgent task/job
I’ve got some urgent tasks to finish before I leave tonight.
▪ an urgent problem
It’s an urgent problem, and needs tackling straight away.