Meaning of VERSATILE in English

ver ‧ sa ‧ tile /ˈvɜːsətaɪl $ ˈvɜːrsətl/ BrE AmE adjective

[ Date: 1600-1700 ; Language: French ; Origin: Latin versatilis 'turning easily' , from versare 'to turn' , from versus ; ⇨ ↑ verse ]

1 . someone who is versatile has many different skills:

a very versatile performer

a more versatile workforce

2 . having many different uses:

The potato is an extremely versatile vegetable.

—versatility /ˌvɜːsəˈtɪləti, ˌvɜːsəˈtɪlɪti $ ˌvɜːr-/ noun [uncountable] :

Hegley’s outstanding versatility as an all-round entertainer

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.