I. wig 1 /wɪɡ/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[ Date: 1600-1700 ; Origin: periwig type of wig (16-21 centuries) , from Old French perruque , from Old Italian perrucca 'hair, wig' ]
artificial hair that you wear on your head ⇨ toupée
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▪ wig an object covered with artificial hair that you wear on your head:
In England judges still have to wear wigs.
Do you think it's real, or is it wig?
▪ toupée an area of artifical hair, used to cover a ↑ bald part of your head:
The singer used to wear a toupée, and then decided to shave all his hair off.
▪ hairpiece a wig or a piece of false hair that you wear on your head to make your own hair look thicker:
Unfortunately the hairpiece didn't quite match the colour of her hair.
▪ extensions long pieces of artificial hair that can be attached to your hair to make it look longer:
I'm thinking of having extensions because my hair gets to a certain length and then becomes so thin that you can see through it.
II. wig 2 BrE AmE verb ( past tense and past participle wigged , present participle wigging )
wig (somebody) out phrasal verb American English informal
to become very anxious, upset, or afraid, or to make someone very anxious, upset, or afraid