wool S3 /wʊl/ BrE AmE noun [uncountable]
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ wool , ↑ woolly ; adjective : WOOLLEN/WOOLEN , WOOLLY/WOOLY ]
[ Language: Old English ; Origin: wull ]
1 . the soft thick hair that sheep and some goats have on their body ⇨ ↑ lambswool
2 . material made from wool:
a pure wool skirt
a mix of 80% wool and 20% man-made fibres
3 .
thread made from wool that you use to ↑ knit clothes SYN yarn American English :
a ball of wool
4 . pull the wool over sb’s eyes to deceive someone by not telling the truth
⇨ ↑ cotton wool , ↑ dyed-in-the-wool , ↑ steel wool , ↑ wire wool