Meaning of AORTIC in English


referring to the aorta

aortic arch = bend in the aorta which links the ascending aorta to the descending

aortic aneurysm = serious aneurysm of the aorta, associated with atherosclerosis

aortic hiatus = opening in the diaphragm through which the aorta passes

aortic incompetence = defective aortic valve, causing regurgitation

aortic regurgitation = backwards flow of blood caused by a defective aortic valve

aortic sinuses = swellings in the aorta from which the coronary arteries lead back into the heart itself

aortic stenosis = condition where the aortic valve is narrow, caused by rheumatic fever

aortic valve = valve with three flaps, situated at the opening into the aorta

English dictionary of medicine.      Английский словарь медицины.