I. noun Etymology: Middle English convers, from Anglo-French ~, from ~r Date: 15th century social interaction, conversation , II. intransitive verb (~d; conversing) Etymology: Middle English, to live (with), from Anglo-French ~r, from Latin conversari Date: 1520 1. archaic to have acquaintance or familiarity, to become occupied or engaged, 2. to exchange thoughts and opinions in speech ; talk , to carry on an exchange similar to a conversation (as with a computer), ~r noun III. noun Etymology: Latin conversus, past participle of convertere Date: 1570 something reversed in order, relation, or action: as, a theorem formed by interchanging the hypothesis and conclusion of a given theorem, a proposition obtained by interchange of the subject and predicate of a given proposition , IV. adjective Date: 1794 reversed in order, relation, or action, being a logical or mathematical ~ , ~ly adverb
Meaning of CONVERSE in English
Merriam Webster. Explanatory English dictionary Merriam Webster. Толковый словарь английского языка Мерриам-Уэбстер. 2012