Meaning of ACCELERATE in English


Pronunciation: -l ə - ˌ r ā t

Function: verb

Inflected Form: -at · ed ; -at · ing

Etymology: Latin acceleratus, past participle of accelerare, from ad- + celer swift ― more at HOLD

Date: circa 1530

transitive verb

1 : to bring about at an earlier time < accelerate their departure>

2 : to cause to move faster < accelerated his steps> also : to cause to undergo acceleration

3 a : to hasten the progress or development of < accelerate our efforts> b : INCREASE < accelerate food production>

4 a : to enable (a student) to complete a course in less than usual time b : to speed up (as a course of study)

intransitive verb

1 a : to move faster : gain speed <the car slowly accelerated > b : GROW , INCREASE <inflation was accelerating >

2 : to follow an accelerated educational program

– ac · cel · er · at · ing · ly \ - ˌ r ā -ti ŋ -l ē \ adverb

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