Meaning of APOPTOSIS in English


Pronunciation: ˌ a-p ə p- ' t ō -s ə s, -p ə - ' t ō -

Function: noun

Inflected Form: plural -pto · ses \ - ˌ s ē z \

Etymology: New Latin, from Greek apopt ō sis a falling off, from apopiptein to fall off, from apo- + piptein to fall ― more at FEATHER

Date: 1972

: a genetically directed process of cell self-destruction that is marked by the fragmentation of nuclear DNA, is activated either by the presence of a stimulus or removal of a suppressing agent or stimulus, and is a normal physiological process eliminating DNA-damaged, superfluous, or unwanted cells ― called also programmed cell death

– ap · o · pto · tic \ - ' tä-tik \ adjective

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.