Meaning of ATTRITION in English


Pronunciation: ə - ' tri-sh ə n, a-

Function: noun

Etymology: Latin attrition-, attritio, from atterere to rub against, from ad- + terere to rub ― more at THROW

Date: 14th century

1 [Middle English attricioun, from Medieval Latin attrition-, attritio, from L] : sorrow for one's sins that arises from a motive other than that of the love of God

2 : the act of rubbing together : FRICTION also : the act of wearing or grinding down by friction

3 : the act of weakening or exhausting by constant harassment, abuse, or attack <a war of attrition >

4 : a reduction in numbers usually as a result of resignation, retirement, or death <a company with a high rate of attrition >

– at · tri · tion · al \ - ' tri-sh( ə -)n ə l \ adjective

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