Pronunciation: ' bo ̇ ld
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English balled; probably akin to Danish dialect bældet bald, Latin fulica coot, Greek phalios having a white spot, Old English b ǣ l fire, pyre
Date: 14th century
1 a : lacking a natural or usual covering (as of hair, vegetation, or nap) b : having little or no tread < bald tires>
2 : marked with white
3 : lacking adornment or amplification <a bald assertion>
4 : UNDISGUISED , PALPABLE < bald arrogance>
synonyms see BARE
– bald · ish \ ' bo ̇ l-dish \ adjective
– bald · ly \ ' bo ̇ l(d)-l ē \ adverb
– bald · ness \ ' bo ̇ l(d)-n ə s \ noun