Meaning of BARRATRY in English


Pronunciation: ' ber- ə -tr ē , ' ba-r ə -

Function: noun

Inflected Form: plural -tries

Etymology: Middle English (Sc) barratrie, from Anglo-French *baraterie, literally, deception, from Old French barater to be active, do business, cause strife, deceive, perhaps from Vulgar Latin *prattare, from Greek prattein, prassein to do ― more at PRACTICAL

Date: 15th century

1 : the purchase or sale of office or preferment in church or state

2 : an unlawful act or fraudulent breach of duty by a master of a ship or by the mariners to the injury of the owner of the ship or cargo

3 : the persistent incitement of litigation

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.