Pronunciation: b ə - ' l ē v
Function: verb
Inflected Form: be · lieved ; be · liev · ing
Etymology: Middle English beleven, from Old English bel ē fan, from be- + ly ̄ fan, l ē fan to allow, believe; akin to Old High German gilouben to believe, Old English l ē of dear ― more at LOVE
Date: before 12th century
intransitive verb
1 a : to have a firm religious faith b : to accept as true, genuine, or real <ideals we believe in> < believe s in ghosts>
2 : to have a firm conviction as to the goodness, efficacy, or ability of something < believe in exercise>
3 : to hold an opinion : THINK <I believe so>
transitive verb
1 a : to consider to be true or honest < believe the reports> <you wouldn't believe how long it took> b : to accept the word or evidence of <I believe you> <couldn't believe my ears>
2 : to hold as an opinion : SUPPOSE <I believe it will rain soon>
– be · liev · er noun
– not believe : to be astounded at <I could n't believe my luck>