Meaning of BOOTH in English


Pronunciation: ' büth, esp Brit ' bü th

Function: noun

Inflected Form: plural booths \ ' bü th z, ' büths \

Etymology: Middle English bothe, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse b ū th booth; akin to Old English b ū an to dwell ― more at BOWER

Date: 13th century

1 : a temporary shelter for livestock or field workers

2 a : a stall or stand (as at a fair) for the sale or exhibition of goods b (1) : a small enclosure affording privacy for one person at a time <a telephone booth > <polling booth s > (2) : a small enclosure that isolates its occupant especially from patrons or customers <a ticket booth > (3) : an isolated enclosure used in sound recording or in broadcasting <a radio booth > c : a restaurant seating arrangement consisting of a table between two high-back benches

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