Pronunciation: ' byu ̇ r-( ˌ ) ō , ' by ə r-
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural bureaus also bu · reaux \ -( ˌ ) ō z \
Etymology: French, desk, cloth covering for desks, from Old French burel woolen cloth, from Old French *bure, from Late Latin burra shaggy cloth
Date: 1699
1 a British : WRITING DESK especially : one having drawers and a slant top b : a low chest of drawers for use in a bedroom
2 a : a specialized administrative unit especially : a subdivision of an executive department of a government b : a branch of a newspaper, newsmagazine, or wire service in an important news center c : a usually commercial agency that serves as an intermediary especially for exchanging information or coordinating activities <credit bureau >