Pronunciation: ' kaf, ' käf, dial also ' k ā f
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural calves \ ' kavz, ' ka ̇ vz, ' k ā vz \ also calfs
Usage: often attrib
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English cealf; akin to Old High German kalb calf
Date: before 12th century
1 a : the young of the domestic cow also : that of a closely related mammal (as a bison) b : the young of various large animals (as the elephant or whale)
2 plural calfs : the hide of the domestic calf especially : CALFSKIN
3 : an awkward or silly youth
– calf · like \ ' kaf- ˌ l ī k, ' käf-, dial also ' k ā f- \ adjective
– in calf : PREGNANT ― used of a cow