Pronunciation: ' kam-r ə , ' ka-m ə r- ə
Function: noun
Etymology: Late Latin, room ― more at CHAMBER
Date: 1712
1 : the treasury department of the papal curia
2 a : CAMERA OBSCURA b : a device that consists of a lightproof chamber with an aperture fitted with a lens and a shutter through which the image of an object is projected onto a surface for recording (as on film) or for translation into electrical impulses (as for television broadcast)
– off camera
1 : while not being filmed by a television or movie camera <he's a different person off camera >
2 : outside the scope of a television or movie camera <sounds of gunfire taking place off camera >
– on camera
1 : before a live television camera <go on camera > also : while being filmed by a television or movie camera <looked relaxed on camera >
2 : within the scope of a television or movie camera <you can hear a dog but he never appears on camera >