Pronunciation: ' ka-t ə - ˌ k ī z
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form: -chized ; -chiz · ing
Etymology: Late Latin catechizare, from Greek kat ē chein to teach, literally, to din into, from kata- cata- + ē chein to resound, from ē ch ē sound ― more at ECHO
Date: 15th century
1 : to instruct systematically especially by questions, answers, and explanations and corrections specifically : to give religious instruction in such a manner
2 : to question systematically or searchingly
– cat · e · chi · za · tion \ ˌ ka-ti-k ə - ' z ā -sh ə n \ noun
– cat · e · chiz · er \ ' ka-t ə - ˌ k ī -z ə r \ noun