Pronunciation: sa n (n)- ' tyu ̇ r, - ' tu ̇ r, ' san-ch ə r
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English seynture, from Anglo-French ceinture, from Latin cinctura ― more at CINCTURE
Date: 15th century
: a belt or sash for the waist
Pronunciation: sa n (n)- ' tyu ̇ r, - ' tu ̇ r, ' san-ch ə r
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English seynture, from Anglo-French ceinture, from Latin cinctura ― more at CINCTURE
Date: 15th century
: a belt or sash for the waist
Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary. Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка. 2012