Pronunciation: ' ch ā -s ə n
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form: chas · tened ; chas · ten · ing \ ' ch ā s-ni ŋ , ' ch ā -s ə n-i ŋ \
Etymology: alteration of obsolete English chaste to chasten, from Middle English, from Anglo-French chastier, from Latin castigare, from castus + -igare (fr. agere to drive) ― more at ACT
Date: 13th century
1 : to correct by punishment or suffering : DISCIPLINE also : PURIFY
2 a : to prune (as a work or style of art) of excess, pretense, or falsity : REFINE b : to cause to be more humble or restrained : SUBDUE
synonyms see PUNISH
– chas · ten · er \ ' ch ā s-n ə r, ' ch ā -s ə n- ə r \ noun