Meaning of CONQUER in English


Pronunciation: ' kä ŋ -k ə r

Function: verb

Inflected Form: con · quered ; con · quer · ing \ -k( ə -)ri ŋ \

Etymology: Middle English, to acquire, conquer, from Anglo-French conquerre, from Vulgar Latin *conquaerere, alteration of Latin conquirere to search for, collect, from com- + quaerere to ask, search

Date: 14th century

transitive verb

1 : to gain or acquire by force of arms : SUBJUGATE < conquer territory>

2 : to overcome by force of arms : VANQUISH < conquer ed the enemy>

3 : to gain mastery over or win by overcoming obstacles or opposition < conquer ed the mountain>

4 : to overcome by mental or moral power : SURMOUNT < conquer ed her fear>

intransitive verb : to be victorious

– con · quer · or \ -k ə r- ə r \ noun

synonyms CONQUER , VANQUISH , DEFEAT , SUBDUE , REDUCE , OVERCOME , OVERTHROW mean to get the better of by force or strategy. CONQUER implies gaining mastery of <Caesar conquered Gaul>. VANQUISH implies a complete overpowering < vanquished the enemy and ended the war>. DEFEAT does not imply the finality or completeness of VANQUISH which it otherwise equals <the Confederates defeated the Union forces at Manassas>. SUBDUE implies a defeating and suppression < subdued the native tribes after years of fighting>. REDUCE implies a forcing to capitulate or surrender <the city was reduced after a month-long siege>. OVERCOME suggests getting the better of with difficulty or after hard struggle < overcame a host of bureaucratic roadblocks>. OVERTHROW stresses the bringing down or destruction of existing power <violently overthrew the old regime>.

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.