Meaning of CONUS ARTERIOSUS in English

Pronunciation: ' k ō -n ə s-är- ˌ tir- ē - ' ō -s ə s

Function: noun

Inflected Form: plural co · ni ar · te · ri · o · si \ - ˌ n ī -är- ˌ tir- ē - ' ō - ˌ s ī \

Etymology: New Latin, literally, arterial cone

Date: circa 1860

1 : a conical prolongation of the right ventricle in mammals from which the pulmonary arteries emerge ― called also conus

2 : a prolongation of the ventricle of amphibians and some fishes that has a spiral valve separating venous blood going to the respiratory arteries from blood going to the aorta and systemic arteries

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.