Meaning of CORAL in English


Pronunciation: ' ko ̇ r- ə l, ' kär-

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin corallium, from Greek korallion

Date: 14th century

1 a : the calcareous or horny skeletal deposit produced by anthozoan or rarely hydrozoan polyps especially : a richly red precious coral secreted by a gorgonian (genus Corallium ) b : a polyp or polyp colony together with its membranes and skeleton

2 : a piece of coral and especially of red coral

3 a : a bright reddish ovary (as of a lobster or scallop) b : a deep pink

– coral adjective

– cor · al · loid \ - ə - ˌ lo ̇ id \ adjective

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