Meaning of CORPUS in English


Pronunciation: ' ko ̇ r-p ə s

Function: noun

Inflected Form: plural cor · po · ra \ -p( ə -)r ə \

Etymology: Middle English, from L

Date: 15th century

1 : the body of a human or animal especially when dead

2 a : the main part or body of a bodily structure or organ <the corpus of the uterus> b : the main body or corporeal substance of a thing specifically : the principal of a fund or estate as distinct from income or interest

3 a : all the writings or works of a particular kind or on a particular subject especially : the complete works of an author b : a collection or body of knowledge or evidence especially : a collection of recorded utterances used as a basis for the descriptive analysis of a language

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.