Meaning of CRATER in English


Pronunciation: ' kr ā -t ə r

Function: noun

Etymology: Latin, mixing bowl, crater, from Greek krat ē r, from kerannynai to mix; akin to Sanskrit ś r ī ṇ ā ti he mixes

Date: 1613

1 a : the bowl-shaped depression around the orifice of a volcano b : a depression formed by an impact (as of a meteorite) c : a hole in the ground made by the explosion of a bomb or shell

2 : an eroded lesion

3 : a dimple in a painted surface

– cra · ter · like \ ' kr ā -t ə r- ˌ l ī k \ adjective

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.