Meaning of CUTICLE in English


Pronunciation: ' kyü-ti-k ə l

Function: noun

Etymology: Latin cuticula, diminutive of cutis skin ― more at HIDE

Date: 1615

1 : an outer covering layer: as a : an external envelope (as of an insect) secreted usually by epidermal cells b : the outermost layer of animal integument composed of epidermis c : a thin continuous fatty or waxy film on the external surface of many higher plants that consists chiefly of cutin d : the outermost membranous layer of a hair consisting of overlapping scales of epithelial cells

2 : dead or horny epidermis

– cu · tic · u · lar \ kyu ̇ - ' ti-ky ə -l ə r \ adjective

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.