Meaning of DEMAGOGUE in English


Variant: also dem · a · gog

Pronunciation: ' de-m ə - ˌ gäg

Function: noun

Etymology: Greek d ē mag ō gos, from d ē mos people (perh. akin to Greek daiesthai to divide) + ag ō gos leading, from agein to lead ― more at TIDE , AGENT

Date: 1648

1 : a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power

2 : a leader championing the cause of the common people in ancient times

– dem · a · gogu · ery \ - ˌ gä-g( ə -)r ē \ noun

– dem · a · gogy \ - ˌ gä-g ē , - ˌ gä-j ē , - ˌ g ō -j ē \ noun

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