Pronunciation: ' ə r-th ē , - th ē
Function: adjective
Inflected Form: earth · i · er ; -est
Date: 14th century
1 a : of, relating to, or consisting of earth < earthy creatures like worms> b : suggestive of earth (as in texture, odor, or color) <an earthy yellow> c : rough, coarse, or plain in taste < earthy flavors>
2 a archaic : EARTHLY , WORLDLY b : characteristic of or associated with mortal life on the earth <prefers earthy to ethereal themes>
3 : suggestive of plain or poor people or their ways: as a : PRACTICAL , DOWN-TO-EARTH < earthy problems of daily life> b : CRUDE , GROSS < earthy humor> c : plain and simple in style : UNSOPHISTICATED < earthy peasant cookery> < earthy decor> < earthy clothes>
– earth · i · ness noun