Pronunciation: i- ' düs also - ' dyüs
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form: educed ; educ · ing
Etymology: Latin educere to draw out, from e- + ducere to lead ― more at TOW
Date: 1603
1 : to bring out (as something latent)
– educ · ible \ - ' dü-s ə -b ə l also - ' dyü- \ adjective
– educ · tion \ - ' d ə k-sh ə n \ noun
synonyms EDUCE , EVOKE , ELICIT , EXTRACT , EXTORT mean to draw out something hidden, latent, or reserved. EDUCE implies the bringing out of something potential or latent < educed order out of chaos>. EVOKE implies a strong stimulus that arouses an emotion or an interest or recalls an image or memory <a song that evokes warm memories>. ELICIT usually implies some effort or skill in drawing forth a response <careful questioning elicited the truth>. EXTRACT implies the use of force or pressure in obtaining answers or information < extracted a confession from him>. EXTORT suggests a wringing or wresting from one who resists strongly < extorted their cooperation by threatening to inform>.