Meaning of ELEVATE in English


Pronunciation: - ˌ v ā t

Function: verb

Inflected Form: -vat · ed ; -vat · ing

Etymology: Middle English, from Latin elevatus, past participle of elevare, from e- + levare to raise ― more at LEVER

Date: 15th century

transitive verb

1 : to lift up or make higher : RAISE < elevate a patient's leg> <exercises that elevate the heart rate>

2 : to raise in rank or status <was elevated to chairman>

3 : to improve morally, intellectually, or culturally <great books that both entertain and elevate their readers>

4 : to raise the spirits of : ELATE

intransitive verb : to become elevated : RISE <his voice elevated to a shout>

synonyms see LIFT

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.